Author: arroniz

Nocturne, int-night / Icaro Zorbar

  Main & Projects Room September 23 – November 2, 2016   Icaro Zorbar (Bogota, Colombia, 1977) has devoted his artistic practice to the study and reincarnation of obsolete technologies that come alive as precarious structures that need manual winding to get going. Artifacts groaning melodies; machines traversing sentimental and melodramatic spaces; works impregnated of love and nostalgia from a […]
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Abstraction 2

  Main & Projects Room July 9 – September 3, 2016   Abstraction 2 aims to capture the current state of contemporary abstraction, highlighting the differences and similarities displayed in the artistic practice of fifteen national and international artists. Artists: José Carlos Martinat – Peru Iosu Aramburu – Peru Jaime Gili – Venezuela Asger Dybvad Larsen – Denmark Ricardo Rendón – Mexico […]
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Syllables / Omar Barquet

  Main Room May 11 – July 2, 2016   V The passion on the wall, the knot to come, the birth.  The sunless openings, the illuminated edge and its mourning.  The battle between the red and the orange, the fresh wind  of the memory of Greece where living is an experiment  of atmospheres, of bones, of cuts and sinking.   Syllables […]
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Shadowplay / Amadeo Azar

  Projects Room May 11 – July 2, 2016   “…certain types of perception of the world are poetic themselves. Everything that helps to dissolve the boundaries, making the world a homogeneous and poorly differentiated whole, is impregnated with poetic power (is the case of fog or twilight). Some objects have poetic impact, not as objects alone, but by breaking […]
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Mónica Espinosa / I will shake myself into the invisible pocket

  Projects Room February 2 – April 23, 2016   Stockpiling is always around us. We pile stuff to make our habitat, our world. We create sets, orders and disorders. We make almost comprehensible machines even though we know nothing about mechanics or science. The mental processes on which we build our configurations of the world are produced by the invisible […]
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Mark Powell / For Sale Detroit

  Main Room September 18 – October 28, 2015   For Sale Detroit has a very simple concept: if you purchase a photograph, you also become the owner of the object represented. In this case, a house or a specific piece of property located in the city of Detroit, MI, USA. The goal was to acquire four properties within the […]
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